Do you really need XStudio ?

Were you ever challenged with one of these questions in the past:

  • How a testplan must be written ?
  • Is a tablesheet software really the right tool to write testplans ?
  • How can I avoid writting alway the same things in my testplan ?
  • Why writting a testplan is so boring ?
  • How could I link my testplan with my test reports ?
  • How could I link test reports t my bug tracking database?
  • How can I be sure my product will work right on customer site ?
  • How could I better estimate the workload for testing phase in my project plans ?
  • How can I make my test operator focus on writing testplan and test instead of spending most of their time runningthe tests ?
  • Is my product stable enough to release ?
  • What has and has not been tested ?
  • Were these failing tests failing before ?
  • what tests are now passing since the last release ?
  • How can I run all the tests that were failing with previous release ?
  • How can I run only negative and stress tests ?
  • How to handle history in my test results ?
  • How can I run a set of tests based on some properties like duration, interactivity etc. ?
  • How can I save some settings allowing to re-run a set of tests later ?
  • How could I avoid to spend days and days just waiting for tests to be terminated to get the result ?
  • How can I be sure that the test suites I run overnight will be successful ?
  • How could I get comprehensive reporting and graphical visualization of my testing results ?
  • Can I find a test management system that let me use my already existing tests without having to rewrite them in aspecific language ?
  • Why do we have to learn a new scripting language to use a good test management framework ?
  • ...

Yes ? then XStudio is a MUST for you.